Use this tool to browse the 4,765 titles in MakeMusic Cloud that appear on state required lists. Set yourself up for success by choosing your contest and festival literature from titles that are part of MakeMusic Cloud’s impressive library.
The practice tools in MakeMusic Cloud will give your students a competitive edge and put your ensemble in a position to perform at their highest level. Professionally-recorded accompaniments let performers learn their part in context with the rest of the ensemble, and they get real-time feedback on note pitch, rhythm, and duration as they play their part.
We invite you to explore our collection of contest-ready music available at all difficulty levels for concert band, string orchestra, full orchestra, jazz ensemble, choir, and solos and ensembles.
Tips: search for titles or words within titles.
Search composer by last name only.
Search composer by last name, first name. (eg. Beethoven, Ludwig van)
Confirm with your state's sponsoring organization for final programming decisions.